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track 2
Shane M.



track 1
Navina  A.

To become an ESTUDIANTE ESTRELLA it takes a positive attitude, good worth ethic, respectful behavior, and of course a love for Spanish! These students are always on their best behavior by displaying kindness towards others, participate as often as they can, and go above and beyond in Spanish class by practicing outside of school. They are proud of their foreign language acquisition and will be the first one to try to communicate in Spanish instead of English! Congratulations to these STAR STUDENTS:

From the 2nd grade in Ms. Grabowski's class, Navina A! She is a role model in class and always follows the PAWS expectations.

​From Ms. Hefner's class, 5th grade student Shane M! He has such a positive attitude and is excited to use Spanish to communicate.

From Ms. Swanson's 4th grade class, Zayd H! He is always eager to participate and shows a very positive attitude during class. Awesome job!

From Ms. Murray's class in the 1st grade- Tyler G! He shows kindness and resepct to all and is very deserving of the Star Student Award.

track 4
Zayd H
track 3
Tyler G.

This month's deserving winners of ESTUDIANTE ESTRELLA

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